
Showing posts from February, 2015

2 and a Half Years Later

Having trouble comprehending that the last time i put finger to keyboard and wrote something to enter into the cyber world was back in September 2012, Where did that time go!!!!!!!!!! I suppose a lot of it was to do with the fact that my scribbles become like a grain of salt in all of the oceans put together, and that a blog is kind of an online diary and who needs all the ins and outs of a ducks ass put on there...especially when you have Facebook and twitter and all the other various social media sites so geared around hits and likes and re-tweets. I do believe i set up a twitter account many many moons ago but i don't ever recall tweeting. Of course i have shared gems and status's and comments on Facebook over the years but even that of late has lost its addicitivensess and in fact since coming back from holiday several weeks ago i have not shared one status...and guess what no bugger has even noticed or cared!!! Its funny though reading back on my previous blogs how ha...