2 and a Half Years Later
Having trouble comprehending that the last time i put finger to keyboard and wrote something to enter into the cyber world was back in September 2012, Where did that time go!!!!!!!!!!
I suppose a lot of it was to do with the fact that my scribbles become like a grain of salt in all of the oceans put together, and that a blog is kind of an online diary and who needs all the ins and outs of a ducks ass put on there...especially when you have Facebook and twitter and all the other various social media sites so geared around hits and likes and re-tweets.
I do believe i set up a twitter account many many moons ago but i don't ever recall tweeting. Of course i have shared gems and status's and comments on Facebook over the years but even that of late has lost its addicitivensess and in fact since coming back from holiday several weeks ago i have not shared one status...and guess what no bugger has even noticed or cared!!!
Its funny though reading back on my previous blogs how happy and content i was and knowing what has occurred in the last lost years how much of a revelation that is, when i was convinced that all was not happy and content.... just goes to show how things can take a ugly twist.
I shall not dwell on that although i'm sure that is what would intrigue most.... but in all honestly its not.
So i start with a new year already a whole month and 2 days in and welcome 2015!!!
So what have i been up-to????....well
Just in case you missed the snippet of a teaser mentioned above. We have recently been on holiday to Disneyland Paris. Our holiday timing was a little strained with the terrorist attacks in Paris occurring just a few days before we flew, but we did make it there and back safely with only a few minor panic attacks from multi booked taxis to extremely late taxis, wet weather a sick child and lots of turbulence. Nothing major in the scheme of things.
I wont bore you with loads of pictures- although that may be a teeny fib, in all honesty i took less than 500 this trip which is miniscle to the the thousands i have taken previously- i think i must have every inch of the various lands photographed over the last 7 years. Although i will upload the one and only photograph of me and my baby boy who is going to now be a whopping 13 in march!!!!
I suppose a lot of it was to do with the fact that my scribbles become like a grain of salt in all of the oceans put together, and that a blog is kind of an online diary and who needs all the ins and outs of a ducks ass put on there...especially when you have Facebook and twitter and all the other various social media sites so geared around hits and likes and re-tweets.
I do believe i set up a twitter account many many moons ago but i don't ever recall tweeting. Of course i have shared gems and status's and comments on Facebook over the years but even that of late has lost its addicitivensess and in fact since coming back from holiday several weeks ago i have not shared one status...and guess what no bugger has even noticed or cared!!!
Its funny though reading back on my previous blogs how happy and content i was and knowing what has occurred in the last lost years how much of a revelation that is, when i was convinced that all was not happy and content.... just goes to show how things can take a ugly twist.
I shall not dwell on that although i'm sure that is what would intrigue most.... but in all honestly its not.
So i start with a new year already a whole month and 2 days in and welcome 2015!!!
So what have i been up-to????....well
Just in case you missed the snippet of a teaser mentioned above. We have recently been on holiday to Disneyland Paris. Our holiday timing was a little strained with the terrorist attacks in Paris occurring just a few days before we flew, but we did make it there and back safely with only a few minor panic attacks from multi booked taxis to extremely late taxis, wet weather a sick child and lots of turbulence. Nothing major in the scheme of things.
As you can see the aliens have landed.!!! We regularly stay at the Santa Fe hotel, it has a bit of a walk to the park each day, but we don't mind, there's always something lovely and familiar even if we were pelted with rain while walking along the canal and greeting the ducks with "bonjour" .
I must confess that i get that Disney feeling when you pop your park ticket in the machine and the automated "welcome" voice lets you through the turn style.Then its just a few more steps until you head into the park and walk through into main street.The giant Christmas tree was still up which was a treat it was so tall!!!
a few more steps and then the sight of home just down the street. At this point i always allow myself a little inner smile :)
and sometimes you even get to see a Disney horse even if you have to annoy the cast members to get that all important shot.
and just so the biggest and middle don't feel left out there they are as well.
Its hard to believe that we were actually flying out 3 weeks ago,
Well i had better leave this for a little bit as hubby has just arrived home and i need to look as if i have been doing something wonderful and creative in the kitchen
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