July 2012

July is here!! July has always been a special month in that it is the month i said " I do", and also that my first and oldest son was born. all within a day of each other although 2 years apart.

So this month we are celebrating our 22 wedding anniversary and my son will be 20.... 20...my gosh am i old enough to have a 20 year old son when i still feel like i am 18 myself. i will never forgot the moments after he was born and they laid him in his fish tank and he just lay there looking around with those big brown minstrel eyes of his sucking his 2 fingers, taking it all in. I was so scared just looking at him, thinking i was going to be responsible for him for the rest of my life, and contemplating asking for them to put him back. Well what a journey i have had with him over the years, he is just wonderful. He has been through many things in his early years and has remained solid and grounded despite what tragic things life has placed along his path.
He is funny and kind, he makes me laugh, he makes me cry, but in a good way. i would do anything for him, he is one of my most closet and dearest friends, and i am so damn proud of all he is...... so  to my gorgeous handsome son i want to wish you a Very Happy Birthday for the 22nd and i hope the next 10 years bring you love health and happiness.

July also sees my middle son confronting new challenges, in that he will be leaving his primary school. He has a busy few weeks ahead, his summer show which i am looking forward to seeing on Tuesday when he has the  lead part in his summer play. Insert massive proud mother moment here.....He has been to an induction day at his new secondary school and really enjoyed it, he is such an easy going little character i am sure he will make new friends quickly. He also has Amy (woolly words gorgeous daughter ) to keep an eye out for him as well. And he is off on holiday for 5 days with the school next week...which is going to be full on and action-ed packed with all his close friends and his school mates.

Little son is just plodding on with nothing really looming on the horizon for him this year, he is happy when he is at home designing his Lego and drawing and generally doing whatever he feels like. i am so lucky with my children, they are a credit to me and themselves.. i know this because i am told it, and i really don't think that children are told enough just how wonderful they are.

So this post is dedicated to my 3 wonderful sons, and all the hopes and dreams that i have for you all that center around all that life is about... Love Health and Happiness.
I love you all so very very very very very very very very much.
mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. Just caught up with my blog reading...what a lovely post! That's quite a lot to be proud of Mrs N. Thanks mentioning Amy- she was very happy to be able to show Middle the ropes and is looking forward to seeing him there in September. Hope he's looking forward to it as well!


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