introducing Geraldine my first knitted project....

Well i have been clickety clicking away ... i have felt a bit under the weather this week so after doing all the chores i have been ensconced on the settee wrapped up in my nice throw watching the box set of friends that my eldest son bought us all last December as an early Christmas pressie. Inspired by Mrs Bond of woolly words i have been busy knitting and then re knitting as things regularly went wrong...odd sized legs, knee joints in thighs..head knitted in wrong color wool...(typo pattern error that one) , but finally.. not perfect by any means of the imagination, i have knitted my first ever with great Tralaaaa's i introduce Geraldine...
She was knitted in Dk wool that i picked up nice and cheap from the Range, and the pattern is a King cole Halloween one, there are also patterns on the sheet for pumpkins, cat and spiders.... i may knit a cat to keep her company as now my project is finished my hands are twitching for something to do. I must admit despite the errors i made,  i found it very therapeutic, and i have to say as Geraldine sits here next to the computer... i am rather proud of her and my efforts.
I have also downloaded a reindeer pattern so that will see me through to Christmas no doubt, although i have actually ordered the recommended wool to make him/her, if i don't mess up this pattern then i should have enough wool for 2 reindeer's, but i'm not going to count my chickens...or reindeer's come to that .

Nothing much more to report which i guess is a good thing, as it means that all is well and good.
Mr and Mrs Bond celebrated their 19th Wedding anniversary this week, so big whoops for both parties on that score :)
The rain is continuing to fall, so nothing has been done out in the garden..the plants seem quite happy with all the water.
and that dear bloggers is that...told you it had been a quiet sort of week :) on that note i shall bid thee farewell...until next time...


  1. Mrs N you have excelled yourself! I have to confess I'm slightly gutted that you are more at advanced at my hobby than I am...sigh...but I'm glad i have a fellow addict out there close to home- now you need to go to a website called 'Ravelry', log yourself in and explore!! xxx

  2. Mrs B..Thank you very kindly for your awesome comments...but i need to say that no way at all could i ever be more advanced than you..all those different stitches and time and care that you put into all your projects, leaves me in awe... u r amazing!!! Thank you for the tips and encouragement and the website prompt.. i shall definately be checking that out. xxxx


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