7 months on and it's September 2015
Well ....
i guess i haven't got this blogger thing fathomed out and i don't think i will. I am not interested in making money by trying to work out hits and such like... i'm not sure about blogs and what they are for, to me they are an insight into someones life and interests and hobbies. I don't know if anyone reads it or what they feel by reading it, but as i look back on the photos and rather limited things i have blogged,( hangs head in shame ) it brings back some lovely memories, and that just suits me fine.
So what have i been up to???...well good question, if i had blogged i would have an online diary to look back on, but i haven't and so i have lost 6 months of memories- what more inspiration could you need. Can you feel where this is going - a pledge to commit some more postings..hmm-mm intentions are always good.
I will start with our Silver wedding Anniversary back in July.
We kept it very low key despite the fact i love planning and organizing party's down to the finest detail. The day started off well with a glass of Champagne, a Salmon Bagel, Beautiful Flowers and some Concert Tickets to see Jack Savoretti in Bristol in October!!!!
We decided to mark the day by doing something simple that we hadn't actually done before and that was to walk across The Clifton Suspension Bridge. It may not sound very adventurous unless you suffer from vertigo......and yes that would be a hand up from me.

i guess i haven't got this blogger thing fathomed out and i don't think i will. I am not interested in making money by trying to work out hits and such like... i'm not sure about blogs and what they are for, to me they are an insight into someones life and interests and hobbies. I don't know if anyone reads it or what they feel by reading it, but as i look back on the photos and rather limited things i have blogged,( hangs head in shame ) it brings back some lovely memories, and that just suits me fine.
So what have i been up to???...well good question, if i had blogged i would have an online diary to look back on, but i haven't and so i have lost 6 months of memories- what more inspiration could you need. Can you feel where this is going - a pledge to commit some more postings..hmm-mm intentions are always good.
I will start with our Silver wedding Anniversary back in July.
We kept it very low key despite the fact i love planning and organizing party's down to the finest detail. The day started off well with a glass of Champagne, a Salmon Bagel, Beautiful Flowers and some Concert Tickets to see Jack Savoretti in Bristol in October!!!!
We decided to mark the day by doing something simple that we hadn't actually done before and that was to walk across The Clifton Suspension Bridge. It may not sound very adventurous unless you suffer from vertigo......and yes that would be a hand up from me.
It was incredibly high but the views were beautiful, i managed to get some shots although i think i was at least 6 foot away from the barriers!! Andy kept peering over which caused me to panic and tell him off as i kept my eyes firmly on the floor.
It was also the start of the Bristol Shaun the Sheep trail and we manged to find a few in Clifton,
I'm looking forward to seeing the rest as they are all being herded up and moved to Cribs Causeway Shopping Center before being Auctioned off to raise funds for the Children s Hospital. We purchased this little chap Sir Gromit of Bristol as a lasting keepsake of our Anniversary Memories, we thought him fitting as he is Silver, he cost us £25.00 each- and the money of course was going to a great cause.
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