sleepovers and funerals.

Well what a whirl wind of 5 days... i awoke this morning after what seemed to have been a bit of a nightmare dream to realize that  the nightmare had indeed been true and it was all over.
Middle son celebrated his 11th  birthday on Sunday, and as dear Daddy in law had been so poorly we hadn't known what to organize, so the sleepover won.. it was my first and possibly my last at that. The children that all came were so very well behaved and had a lovely time... but i like my home lol... i like quiet and i like tidy ...none of these elements rate high on the list of sleep overs...and just for the record... aren't they supposed to sleep at some point at a sleep over or am i missing the point??? it should be called a wake over!!!
Well i packed them all off home with a cooked breakfast inside them and a make shift party bag full of sugary rubbish and a dinosaur egg to grow.. :) then i collapsed for 30 mins had several cups of coffee and then started on the curry ready for the grandmas visit to the birthday boy.
Birthday boy did well money wise and we got him a  few new items of designer stuff for his wardrobe...honestly since my eldest turned 19 and turned into gok wan... i haven't heard the last of high tops and twisted carrot chinos from my newly turned 11 year old. A homemade mock train ticket to Hogwarts just wasn't going to cut the thread... and certainly not without said modern trendy clothing items.
Anyway he thoroughly enjoyed his weekend which is ultimately the most important thing.

Daddy in laws funeral was yesterday and i am also pleased to report that the service went beautifully. i was so chuffed that i was given virtual free rein over his order of service and was asked to write a poem, my little tribute to him was very well received which made me feel very puffed up and important. i was especially proud of my oldest son who read out a poem/ reading even though his legs and hands were shaking violently before and after he delivered his part. He read beautifully...and again i was well puffed up and wanted to wave a sign to everyone saying.. " i grew him" but that would have not been a good idea at all. He did his Granddad proud!!


  1. I'm so glad that the funeral went off well- and pass on my congrats for the reading- I couldn't have done that at my Grandad's funeral xxx Here's looking to the future for you all, but remembering the past xxx


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